воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

circuit electronic layout

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday Of course it's not Holiday Routine. Why would it be? We are supposed to observe Holiday Routine tomorrow instead, but we'll see. We had a RAS today. That stands for Replenishment at Sea. So along with the thousands of gallons of fuel we received, purportedly we acquired mail as well, yet I haven't heard them pass Mail Call. That would be the only thing to make my day. I feel all fuzzy in my head. They've got me on muscle relaxers because of my back. I'm getting too old to sleep on a mattress that's only two inches thick So to keep myself awake and semi-alert during the day, I've been speed-drinking Red Bulls. Oh And I've also developed a tic under my left eye.

Only 159 days to go Whoopee

eve 6 leech lyrics, circuit electronic layout, circuit electronic kit project robot, circuit electronic kit, circuit electronic it yourself.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


Hereapos;s whatapos;s been happening in my life lately.

Still working away at the bobbin. Iapos;ve been doing day shifts lately which I think I prefer. Slower but it breaks up my day,�itapos;s�not so stressful�and I can get to my bed at a reasonable hour.
Yesterday me and Stevie sat and got drunk after work as well. Thatapos;s another perk of working day shifts - you can socialise afterwards.

Last night after me and Stevieapos;s socialising I went to Nicki and Tracyapos;s lesbian engagement party. It was a little bit�odd because all of the people that I knew there were from Dunelm but I had a good enough night. My shoes were the centre of attention too. I wore my tartan stilettos. They truely are beautiful.

I went out on tuesday night with David and his friends. It was an interesting night. First of all I didnapos;t want�a really heavy night because I had class at 9 the next morning but when I arrived at Scott and Markapos;s I discovered that I had walked into a full blown party. It ended up pretty crazy. We had a rave in Markapos;s room because he has decks and knows how to mix a bit. And Stuart and Alex ended up so hammered that they were wresling in the middle off the road on the way to exodus. And Alexapos;s jeans were round his ankles in the street�at one point. And stewart slid on his stomach headfirst down a flight of stairs... Basically if I had known it was going to be that crazy I donapos;t think I would have gone out. And Claire was also there and that was just awkward. She was seeing David until I came on the scene and I went to school with her so we kind of had to talk to each other. She was being strangely nice. Like fake nice. But I suppose fake nice is better than really horrible.

Been spending a lot of time with Ross and Charlotte recently. She seems to want to invite me everywhere with them. Itapos;s actually quite nice to be included.

Just discovered that my trip to Edzell (what a place name) in a couple of weeks is going to cost me �55. I knew weapos;d have to pay a bit but that was more than I was expecting. Blah. Oh well.

blue nob pennsylvania, eannagram, eannarino, eannatum, eanneagram.

eagle figurine poly resin

My mom is up for a visit. She arrived shortly after 7:30pm, while I was putting away my laundry. We tried to go to Simeonapos;s, and then to the tapas place, but their waiting lists were 30-45 minutes long, so we ended up at Ragmanapos;s instead. (Not that Ragmanapos;s is bad They do very nice sandwiches.)

Then we came back to my place and had pflaumenkuchen, and now I am off to bed because we have a longish day planned tomorrow.

agios georgios corfu, eagle figurine poly resin, eagle figurine gift, eagle figurine flag, eagle figurine.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

conduit industrial installing

I was going to sit up all night and type out the next chapter of "I Close My Eyes..." But I need rest. I did start a scene, and I finished the blog draft. I love putting the story together the way a musician would put together the different parts of a song. I reallllly hope I can capture um... [okay sounding corny here but] the essence of David and his humor... I really do. Maybe Iapos;m taking my writing too seriously, but maybe I should. Makes me happy.

Tomorrow is off the computer day, try to get organized and get stupid adult things over with. No fun, but having money again is good. I think the financial situation is looking up. At least Iapos;m telling it to look up so it will. It is.

Smoked for the first time in 3 days... I feel better than I have in the last 2 weeks. Off for much deserved sleep and a productive day tomorrow.

Oh And I got the mood theme up and running, best I could find. South Park, fucking great. Reminds me of a friend of mine who is South Park obsessed.

Positive thought for the night: I am constantly becoming more and more organized, and one day, I will have everything organized the way I want it to be. Iapos;m working towards my goals here. :)
conduit industrial installing, conduit instalation instruction, conduit installation, conduit installation guide.